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03 9563 6246
07 5627 1440


273 Waverley Rd,
Malvern East, Vic 3145

Unit 3/33 Crombie Ave,
Bundall, Qld 4217

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Building Inspections & Reports

General Condition Report

What is it?

A general condition report lists the maintenance works items necessary to ensure the common area of the building is kept serviceable, safe and compliant.

What is included?

The general condition report includes photos of all relevant areas of the building along with descriptions of the current condition, identified risks, likely life expectancy, timeframe and cost to repair.

The report includes budgeting based on the costs allocated against each recommendation and confirms the required annual contribution to undertake works over the next 10 years.

A General Condition Report is an excellent place to start, for buildings which have numerous areas of concern and competing priorities and budgetary constraints.

We will clearly advise you of the urgent tasks and those which can be delayed.

Follow Up Services:


Defect Report

What is it?

A building defect is generally defined as a defect in the design, the workmanship and/or in the materials or systems used on a project, that results in a failure of a component part of a building or structure and causes damage (or has the potential to cause damage) to person or property, usually resulting in financial or physical harm to the owner(s).

A defect report can be used as a starting point for DBDRV action in Victoria, and QBCC action in Queensland. 

What is included?

Buildcheck has extensive experience in the inspection, diagnosis and report preparation of defects within the built environment. We can provide expert reports to Solicitors, Owners and Builders on alleged defects found in newly constructed and older buildings.

A Buildcheck report will provide a photographic library, areas of identified concern, definitions, potential causes and rectification methods with estimated budgets. 

The defect report will also include, where applicable, extracts from relevant standards or regulations, thus bolstering the weight of the claim.

What are the common inspection items for Defect Reports?

  • Balustrades
  • Tiled Balcony & Podium Areas
  • Waterproof Membranes
  • Structural Faults
  • Window Leaks
  • Roof Defects
  • Paint Defects
  • Concrete Spalling
  • Façade Deterioration & Cracking
  • Plumbing & Drainage
  • Cracked Driveways
  • Underpinning Faults
  • Fire Services

Follow-up services

If the builder fails to rectify defects, legal action may be necessary which may require the following in a court approved format:

  • Testing
  • Structural analysis
  • Costing of repairs

Defect Listing

What is it?

Independent inspection and listing of defects in new buildings. By having a suitibly qualified building consultant provide this as a service allows the Strata / Owner Corporation to have an expert authority return to the builder a qualified list of defects, and increases the likelihood of immediate action rather than drawn out process and costly legal mediation.

What is included?

Listing of all defects identified in common areas.

Internal units can be included in the overall report on a per unit basis (owners will require upfront payment).

This report does not include causes, rectification, and costings. It is less detailed than the Defect Report, and is priced accordingly.

When is it required?

Best practice would be during handover of construction and/or before the defects liability period expiry (usually 6 or 12 months).  

Follow-up services:

  • Defect Report
  • Expert Witnessing
  • Scope of Works


Cracking / Building Movement / Foundation settlement

What is it?​

All buildings move. In some cases movement is acceptable, in other cases it is not, and requires rectification.

The form and size of the crack can sometimes indicate the underlying problem. Cracking can be horizontal, vertical, stepped, cogged or a combination of all these. 

Accurate assessment of the crack pattern is essential in designing and scoping appropriate remediation works.

As to resolving the problem of cracking, there can only be two approaches: preventing the problem from occurring in the first place or dealing with the cracking once it’s happened, the latter frequently requires structural works such as underpinning.

Buildcheck’s Structural Team, are experienced and proficient in underpinning design and scopes of work, and we bring a solid list of reliable contractors to the tender process.

What's included?

Inspection and structural assessment of affected areas or entire building based on job specific requirements, our conclusions and recommendations are presented in a clear format with photos, opinion, and a sketch.

Follow-up services:



It is a requirement of the Occupational Health & Safety Act (Vic) 2004, Section 26 that “A person who (whether an owner or otherwise i.e. Owner Corporation) has to any extent, the management or control of a workplace, must ensure that the workplace and the means of entering and leaving it are safe and without risks to health.”

Penalties can range up to $900,000 and an offence under Section 23(1) is indictable. Occupational health & safety can be ensured by:

  • identifying hazards and;
  • assessing risks that may result from hazards and;
  • deciding on control measures to prevent or minimise the level of risks and;
  • implementing control measures and;
  • monitoring and reviewing the effectiveness of the measures.

A Buildcheck OH&S Audit identifies hazards, prioritises risks, recommends control measures and provides control measures costings.
If required, Buildcheck can implement the control measures and monitor their effectiveness.

Structural Design & Remediation

What is it?

Buildcheck’s structural team specialises in the efficient design and delivery of all structural works affecting existing residential structures, such as;

  • Underpinning existing footings to arrest foundation settlement related cracking
  • Replacement or strengthening of failed retaining walls
  • Replacement or strengthening of failed lintels
  • Emergency propping where necessary
  • Analysis of deflection and ultimate strength of suspended slabs and balconies
  • Balcony strengthening and support
  • Balustrade replacement
  • Carport replacement 

However, in addition to the aforementioned areas of expertise, our ‘first principles’ approach to all engineering solutions, ensures our ability to succeed in solving any structural problem your building may encounter, not matter how great or how small.

Our Structural Engineers are suitably qualified and appropriately registered to provide structural engineering advice, design and certification.

What do we offer?

Structural assessment of your building including identification of any structural risks, with recommendations, cost estimates where appropriate, and recommended timeframes to assist with scheduling the works.

Structural design and certification of any structural work your building may need.


Fire Engineering

What is it?

The Building Code of Australia is a performance based code which allows a flexible outcome for most clients. We carry out inspections and when required, sample collection, and send them for lab testing with our assessment. Our goal is a cost efficient and practical solution that minimizes disruption to the building operation. We always liaise with the approving authority as well as the fire brigade to reach an agreement on our approach.

What do we offer?

  • Fire Safety Upgrades
  • Fire System Audits and Inspections
  • Building Code of Australia Review and Advice
  • Stage 3 Combustible Cladding Assessments - QBCC
  • Cladding Risk Assessment - VBA
  • Cladding Replacement Management

When is it required?

If a building is required to proceed to Part 3 for a Fire Engineering Assessment, the building owner must engage a qualified Fire Engineer and provide QBCC with the Engineer’s details by 31 October 2019. A Building Fire Safety Risk Assessment report must be completed by the Fire Engineer by 3 May 2021.


Water Leaks Diagnostics

What is it?

A significant portion of the design of habitable spaces as defined by the BCA, focuses on the battle that structures have against water.

Water ingress causes damage and premature deterioration of almost every commonly used construction material.

Water ingress can occur from below, above, or laterally, and the point / points of origin of the water source often surprise our clients

What do we offer?

Our team specialises in water leak diagnostics using state of the art technology and testing methods, to ensure the conclusions we present are accurate.

Once an area of moisture ingress is identified, the surrounding is rigorously assessed for potential paths of flow, which are then systematically flood tested to confirm or reject our initial inferences.

Our assessment also includes review of the relevant Australian Standards such as AS4654 “Waterproofing membrane systems externally” to confirm whether or not the cause of the leak may be a construction defect or non compliance.

Follow-up services:


Scopes of Work

What is it?

A Scope of Works should be an independently created document from an experienced and qualified source. It provides the foundation for quotes, contracts and quality of works. It provides all tendering contractors the opportunity to submit documents that can be viewed as similar, allowing owners to make an informed decision.

What is included?

  • Required Methodology
  • Product Specification
  • Anticipated Materials
  • Definition of Works
  • Location of Works

When is it required?

When any of the below services are required:

  • Painting
  • Tiling
  • Roofing
  • Balustrade Replacement
  • Waterproofing
  • Window Replacement
  • Structural Repairs
  • Concrete Spalling

Recommended previous services:

Follow-up services:


Contract Preparation

What is it?

When a project involving capital works spending requires an expert representative and a transparent process to assist in tendering to appropriate contractors, Buildcheck's Contracts Administration Agreement comprehensively satisfies this need.

What is included?

Preparation of an ABIC contract which specifies the terms of the agreement, including but not limited to;

Cost, payment schedule, timeframe, penalties, dispute resolution procedure, defect rectification process, mediation ultimately providing protection for both the owners and the contractor.

When is it required?

Any project in which owners require reputable contractors and an independent contract that will hold the contractors accountable for works completed, providing a level of confidence that the project is run successfully. 

Required previous services:

Follow-up services:

  • Project Management


Project Management

What is it?

As a scope of works can change after work commences, it becomes critical to have an understanding of acceptable variations in regards to both potential costs and extension of time-frames for project completion.

All builders have internal Project Managers who are responsible for allocation of labour, ordering of materials and maintaining operational profitability.

But when a builder has been awarded a project, it becomes an important decision for a Strata / Owners Corporation to have an independent advocate engaged to provide expertise in monitoring and representing their best interests in costs and building practices.

What is included?

  • Quality Assurance through progressive hold points
  • Scheduled & Random Site Inspections
  • Progress Payment Approval
  • Requests for Change evaluation
  • Conflict Mediation – (at additional cost)
  • Handover Documentation
  • Final Inspection of Defects Liability Period

When is it required?

Generally recommended for projects with additional scope of works and/or projects scheduled over 2+ weeks.

Required previous services:


Maintenance Plans

What is it?

Proactive and cost effective ‘snap shot’ report that will allow The Body Corporate to have a professional update on the condition of their common area property before major repairs and/or damage reach a critical point. This inspection is best suited to focus on the performance of materials and labour whilst warranties are still active and to be used in conjunction with the building’s sinking fund forecast. 

What is included?

A budget and timeline that ensures sufficient funds are available to meet the property's required capital spending. Our analysis is calculated over 10 years and extrapolated to 30 years.

We use over 35 years of engineering, architectural, and building experience to produce reliable costings that are up to date with industry trends and costs.

Buildcheck conducts an onsite visual inspection and report on common area building elements that would be considered a major expenditure:

  • Financial Balances
  • Allowance for Escalation
  • Contingency for unforeseen items
  • Identification of Plant/Equipment 
  • Identification of Items for Maintenance
  • Identification of items for Replacement
  • Timeline in Graph Format as well as Tabular Format for easy comprehension.

The report includes:

  • Driveway Surfaces
  • Balustrades
  • Building Facades
  • Window Frames
  • Waterproof Membranes
  • Tiled Common Areas
  • Plumbing & Drainage

When is it required?

Committee Budget Meetings can creep up with no prepared ‘action items’ and/or understanding around the upcoming budgetary needs for the property. The ideal timing for a Committee to engage this type of inspection/report would be 2-3 months prior to their Budget Meeting. This allows for the report to be circulated to Committee members prior to the meeting; drawing attention to, or conversely, eliminating the need for discussions around the building's repairs and maintenance.


Essential Safety Measures

Every building owner is obligated to maintain the Essential Safety Measures installed their  building under part 12 of the 2006 Building Regulations (Vic).

Buildings constructed or substantially renovated after 1994 are issued with an Occupancy Permit which defines the Essential Safety Measures located in the building. The permit also defines the maintenance program required for each Essential Safety Measure. Under part 12 of the 2006 Building regulations (Vic), owners of these properties are required to maintain all Essential Safety Measures installed on the property as prescribed and to annually report on their maintenance by completing an Essential Safety Measures Report.

Buildings constructed before 1994, have no specified schedule of Essential Safety Measures.  Owners however, are still required to maintain any  Measures installed on the property.

Under new regulations introduced in 2006, all buildings in Victoria (except freestanding homes) must complete an annual Essential Safety Measures Report commencing June 13, 2009. To achieve this, a compliant maintenance program must be in place by June 13, 2008.

Buildcheck is available to identify all Essential Safety Measures in a building, commence a compliant maintenance program and complete an Essential Safety Measures Report.


Expert Witness

What is it?

Reports for solicitors, owners and builders on alleged defects in construction of buildings.

What is included?

The reports are provided in a manner that is acceptable to the relevant tribunals and are well considered in the industry. Formatted for comprehension and reading and can be supported by costings for the recommended rectifications. If the dispute proceeds to VCAT/QCAT we can provide the necessary qualified expert witnesses to testify.

When is it required?

These reports are usually required where a dispute arises between the owner and the builder over lack of payment and/or reported defects in the constructions.

Buildcheck should be engaged prior to the end of statutory warranties  and/or notified as soon as possible when a Defect becomes evident.

Recommended previous services:

  • Defect Listing
  • Defect Report
  • Testing
  • Design review
  • Costing

Follow-up services:



What are they?

All building work in Victoria and Queensland  requires adherence to the Building Code of Australia and the Building Act, a Building Permit is therefore necessary unless specifically exempted.

In addition to the requirements outlined above, building work may also require approval from your local council, to ensure that your proposal complies with the council specific Planning Scheme.

What we do:

Buildcheck can advise whether or not a Building Permit is required for your specific proposal, we can also prepare and collate all necessary documentation in order to apply for and obtain a Building Permit.

Similarly, we can manage the Town Planning application, and liaise with council's Town Planners to ensure efficient Permit acquisition.